born March 2, 1923, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England; began monastic studies at Benedictine Abbey of St. Laurence at Ampleforth, 1941; made solemn perpetual vows as Benedictine, 1945; ordained priest July 23, 1950; abbot of Ampleforth, 1963-76; ordained archbishop of Westminster, March 25, 1976; cardinal May 24, 1976; titular church, St. Silvestro (in Capite); Archbishop of Westminster.
Religious and Secular Institutes (congregation) Christian Unity (secretariat); Health Care Workers (commission).
born March 12, 1910, Zalalovo, diocese of Veszprem, Hungary; attended Seminary of Veszprem, Veszprem; Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome; ordained September 28, 1934; faculty member, Seminary of Veszprem and pastoral work in diocese of Veszprem, 1934-44; episcopal counselor, 1943; secretary to Joszef Mindszenty, bishop of Veszprem, 1944; in a Nazi prison, November 1944-February 1945; Privy chamberlain supernumerary, January 22, 1946; January 14, 1959; pastoral work in diocese of Veszprem, 1946-1972; diocesan synodal examiner, 1963-1972; titular bishop of Giro di Tarasio and appointed apostolic adminstrator, ad nitum Sanctae Sedis, of Veszprem February 8, 1972; consecrated, March 16, 1972, by Jozsef Iijas, archbishop of Kalocsa; apostolic adminstrator, ad nutum Sanctae Sedis, of Esztergom, February 5, 1974; attended III Ordinary Assembly of World Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, Seeptember 27-October 26, 1974; promoted to metropolitan and primatial see of Esztergom, February 12, 1976; cardinal , May 24, 1976; received the red biretta and the title of S. Teresa al Corso d’Italia, May 24, 1976; attended IV Ordinary Assembly of World Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30- October 29, 1977; participated in the conclave of August 25-26, 1978; participated in the conclave of October 14-16, 1978; attended I Plenary Assembly of Sacred College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 5-9, 1979; V Ordinary Assembly of World Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26-October 25, 1980; II Extraordinary Assembly of World Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, November 24-December 8, 1985.
born October 8, 1924, Picada Geraldo, Brazil; received in Franciscan Order, February 1, 1942; ordained priest august 22, 1948; professor of theology at the Antonianum, Rome, and director of Franciscan international house of studies; ordained bishop of Santo Angelo, Brazil, May 20, 1962; archbishop of Fortaleza, March 26, 1973; president of CELAM, 1975-79; cardinal May 24, 1976; titular church, S. Pietro (in Montorio). Archbishop of Fortaleza. Curial membership:
Religious and Secular Institutes (congregation); Non-Christians, Non-Believers (secretariats).
born November 5, 1914, Kisule, Uganda; ordained priest December 15, 1946; ordained bishop of Kampala, October 30, 1966; cardinal May 24, 1976; titular church, S. Maria Nuova. Archbishop of Kampala. Curial memebership:
Evangelization of Peoples (congregation).
born August 7, 1916, Lebong, India; ordained priest November 21, 1947; dean, 1950-54, and then rector, 1954-60, of St. Francis Xavier University College, Calcutta; ordained bishop of Jamshedpur, September 9, 1962; archbishop of Calcutta, May 29,1969 (resigned 1986); cardinal May 24, 1976; titular church, sacred Heart of Mary. Archbishop emeritus of Calcutta. Curial membership:
Divine Worship (congregation).